The Ancient Tree Saga


 The Ancient Tree Saga is a video game concept album done in collaboration with Diligence Studio artist Stuart Wade. We both have a love for the classic video game world maps of our youth and decided to create our own entire world map complete with music for every major location/character. We also created a full video game like story filled with adventure, despair, and triumph! Below is every location and music pairing to take you on the journey of The Ancient Tree Saga!



Ch 1. Welcome to the Kingdom of The Ancient Tree.

For centuries the Kingdom of the Ancient Tree has been a peaceful and thriving oasis where it’s residents live simple and happy lives. Unbeknownst to them, unknown forces are at work that threaten their very existence!


Ch 2. A Hero Slumbers

Our hero sleeps snug in their tent. Craving adventure in a peaceful world. Hopefully that peace can last!


Ch 3. A New Threat to the land 

Uh Oh! The Robots that have long been dormant have awoken and are destroying the land. Some powerful force must be behind this… The peaceful trees are powerless against this foe.


Ch 4. We Have A Quest!

Our hero has a quest, and from the king himself! Get to the root of this evil and save the kingdom. Filled with determination, the hero sets off on their adventure!


Ch 5. A Long Road Ahead

The quest is laid out before our hero, they must travel to the fortress of impending doom. Luckily the king let our hero make use of his personal stash of useful items as long as they can recover them from his favorite vacation destination!


Ch 6. Humble Fishing Village 

The residents of the humble fishing village live a simple life. But if our hero intends to make this journey they need to stock up on supplies. 


Ch 7. Mysterious Cavern

The quickest way to the top of this cliff is through this mysterious cavern… It’s dark, dusty, filled with bats and spiders.. But it’s the fastest way! The hero would be silly not to take this route… right?


Ch 8. Our Scariest Enemy Yet!

Whoa... This Robot spider is gigantic and the hero's weapons explode on impact. What is this robot made out of? Once the hero finds the vulnerable spot, it will make quick work of this fiend! 


Ch 9. Oh Crap...Did I Just Die?!?

And so, our hero dies. Wait… that can’t be right...Hmm looks pretty dead to me. The journey is over too soon. 


Ch 10. Tree Spirits (I Think They’re Friendly?) 

Our Hero is visited in the spiritual realm by ancient tree spirits. What do they want? Are they friendly? Or are they looking for vengeance from a failed adventurer?


Ch 11. Reborn (Those Spirits Were Friendly) 

Our hero respawns at the Font of Origination. Those spirits passed along their wisdom and foretold of an ancient weapon capable of destroying the robot overlord. 


Ch 12. Lost To Time 

Our hero has been searching for the ancient weapon for what feels like an eternity. The day blurs with the nights.  All the food is covered in sand… Time has no meaning. The hero forms a plan. 


Ch 13. Welcome to the Land of the First ROBOT

Our hero infiltrates Robopolis, the land of the first Robots. Their robo archives tell of nearby ancient ruins that hold the key to finding the location of the ancient weapon.


Ch 14. Timeless Ruins 

Our hero crosses the wet river and upon making their way through the labyrinth like ruins, discovers an ancient map that leads to the ancient weapon… Everything in this kingdom is ancient. 


Ch 15. The Ultimate Weapon 

Our hero has finally found the ancient weapon foretold by the tree spirits. And can finally take this battle to the robot overlord. It is the most perfect sword our hero has ever seen.


Ch 16. The Climb 

That cave is swarming with robots now and our hero is no fool. They will take the long way around.. Or should I say up. 


Ch 17. Prepare for the Final Battle 

Our hero is atop the cliff where danger lurks around every corner. While approaching the tower of impending doom, our hero spots a chest left by some previous adventurers buried among the cacti. Finally some luck! Among the loot is a new epic helmet and chainmail armor will surely change the tide of the battle to come! 


Ch 18. The Final Battle 

The hour of the final battle is upon us. The Robot overlord will not go down without using every tool in his mechanical arsenal. Our hero will have to fight ferociously with the wisdom and power of the entire realm if they have any hope of surviving. 


Ch 19. The Waves are Gentle Again

The Robot overlord is defeated and every robot in the land falls lifeless in a single instant. Our hero is victorious! The land can heal, and the realm will know peace once more. The waves are gentle again.